Its near the end of July now. It seems that I can post just about once a month, and thats all.
I promised to post an update after my last entry and seeing as so much has changed I figured now is the time.
So the meeting with the nurse midwives went well. I cannot say that we are all friends now or that we see eye to eye but it was overall a very positive event and I am very hopeful for the future. I really think they are wonderful women and I am glad that families which choose hopsital birth have them as an option. We are planning on meeting again in a few months. I'll let you know how that goes too.
I got the job at the birth center. Well pretty much. I still have a contract to sign but I do not see any reason at this point why it wont work just fine.
I have been apprenticing now for over a month with the northern Virginia midwife. Her name is Peggy Franklin CPM, RN. She HAS kicked my butt! Its wonderful! I am putting about 600 miles a week on my car and doing dozens of prenatals and postpartums. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I leave Harrisonburg at 7am and get home as late as 11pm!! Its absolutely exhausting, but very much worth the time and expense. I am right on track for finishing everything up by Sept 10th. Woo hoo. I will have my CPM before I am 30! LOL
Well thats about it for now.
Love and light.