Birth center

So I hit the ground running as I often do and will be opening a full service, free-standing, birth center in Harrisonburg this summer. I am ecstatic about this endeavor and so thankful for all of the wonderful friends and family that have been supporting me along the way. Thank you!

I have leased a 2100sq ft space about a tenth of a mile from the new RMH campus. The building is practically brand new and as I am the first business to set up shop I have a blank canvas to work with. I hired a wonderful designer, Sabrina Frey and a very helpful and professional contractor, Nathan Janocka. The build out will begin in June and be finished up mid-August. I have some 3D renditions on the website to give potential clients an idea of what the center will look like once finished. Of course a computer program cannot show the fine details of what the finished product will be so I encourage families to schedule a tour as soon as we are open for business. We are spending a great deal of time on the details to ensure that our center provides all of the amenities of a spa birth with all of the safety measures possible in an out-of-hospital facility.

The birthing suites will have large bubble massage tubs, birthing hammocks, birth balls, and custom made birth stools. (I am getting a local Mennonite guy to make my stools!) They will both have a fireplace, private bath, and comfy furniture. The center also has a complete kitchen that birthing families will have full access to. This is top of the line birth people! Makes me want to have another baby just so I can use my own business services. : )

Our website is still under construction but its pretty close to being done, check it out.

I will post updates on our progress when able.

I'm official!

On Friday March 5th 2010 I received my pass letter from NARM! I am officially an internationally recognized Certified Professional Midwife. My application for my Virginia license has been submitted and should go through in the next week or two. I am so excited to start taking on homebirth clients of my own throughout Virginia.